Welcome to the ENAEE Database of EUR-ACE Labelled Programmes

hei AGH University of Science and Technology

Name (local):
AGH Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza
Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Krakow


Programme name Degree titlesort descending Degree type Allocated to
Automatics Control and Robotics (automatyka i robotyka) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
Materials Engineering (Inzynieria Materialowa) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
biomedical engineering (inżynieria biomedyczna) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
mining engineering and geology (górnictwo i geologia) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
Microelectronics in Industry and Medicine (mikroelektronika w technice i medycynie) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
Metallurgy (Metalurgia) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
Electrical Engineering (elektrotechnika) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
Applied Computer Science (informatyka techniczna) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
computer science (informatyka) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
materials engineering IMiIP (inżynieria materiałowa IMiIP) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
Mechatronics (mechatronika) Bachelor of Science FCD ENAEE
Computer Science - Data Science (informatyka - data science) Master of Science SCD ENAEE
Automatics Control and Robotics (automatyka i robotyka) Master of Science SCD ENAEE
Materials Engineering (Inzynieria Materialowa) Master of Science SCD ENAEE
biomedical enginieering (inżynieria biomedyczna) Master of Science SCD ENAEE
Mining engineering and geology (górnictwo i geologia) Master of Science SCD ENAEE
Metallurgy (metalurgia) Master of Science SCD ENAEE
Electrical Engineering (elektrotechnika) Master of Science SCD ENAEE
Applied Computer Science (informatyka techniczna) Master of Science SCD ENAEE
computer science (informatyka) Master of Science SCD ENAEE